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3 common mistakes in digital PR and how businesses can avoid them

This is an established fact that Digital PR is an important factor for creating brand awareness and brand positioning. With the major focus of buying and selling shifting to digital space, businesses need to understand to have a detailed and long-term digital PR strategy to take their business, products and services to the larger audience. However the online space is vast, understanding the ways to reach to correct target audience is extremely important to make proper traction in the market. Companies make few common mistakes in their digital PR strategies that stop them from yielding desired results from their PR campaigns

Incorrect targeting:

This is probably the first and major mistakes businesses do while finalizing the PR strategy. This might happen due to multiple reasons. Not having a clear understanding of which media is apt for what kind of story and where will they get their correct audience. There are businesses that come with their own understanding of PR campaigns which might not be correct. Good Digital PR firms are experts of their field, business big or small must utilize this expertise and trust their PR agencies for yielding good results of the campaign. Digital PR agency will take a 360 degree view on various aspect and then finalizing how your target audience could be reached in best possible way.

Non-News Stories

Businesses assume that what they think is news is relevant to a reporter., which might not be the case. A new client or a new office might be a news for the company but it doesn’t translate into a great PR story. Each publication will have their own editorial style and content requirements. It’s important to tailor your PR pitch specifically for each publication you target, and not to work on the assumption that one size will fit all. Suggestions could be taken from PR agency about the topics, hooks and assets that connects well with your target audience.

Relying on only one form of content

According to a study of editors, reporters, and journalists, contributed articles are often your best bet for getting publicity; 19% of publications sought articles, 13% requested infographics, and 12% requested mixed-media works.

The challenge is to not rely just on one channel to spread your message. Your target audience will absorb information in a variety of ways. According to the rule of seven, it takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a purchase is made. Using a variety of techniques (press releases, points of view, news hijacking, forward features, infographics, interviews, and white papers) will give you the best opportunity of breaking through the noise, especially if you work in a highly competitive industry. Whatever media platform or method you choose, the important thing is to keep your message constant so that your prospects remember who you are.

It is always advisable to hire a good PR Agency near you to avoid such mistakes which might look small but can have a long-term impact on your PR goals and brand positioning. An expert PR agency can help you overcome these hurdles and take your campaigns in right direction for maximum benefits.

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